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DJG casts in Hongkong

By MoonRiver from Leeyoungae.net

Little JG and Cheng mamalim arrived Hongkong today after last week's Hang mamalim & Min Loulin who raised the heat of DJG and Korean culture up high.
I have read and listened to a few of their interviews and all of them gave a very very high comment about lovely YoungAe, incase some of you might wanna know :

Hang mamalim : "YoungAe is a beautiful lady, most of the people like her because of her beauty, but when you get to know her, she is very kind, good hearted and look after the juniors. She also has a very strong mind, even though we don't see each other often but we will talk on phone, we are very good friends."

Min Loulin - the leading male actor : "I like Cherry Chung, the HK actress very much when I was in high school. Then I am fond of YoungAe when I am in University, therefore I couldn't look at her in eyes directly in the early shooting of DJG. "

Little JG : "Young Ae is a very very beautiful lady, she is very nice, she took good care of me, and she is so gentle and polite.....she is a REAL WOMAN"

I am sure they spoke from heart and not because YoungAe is so popular now in HK.

YoungAe, I am proud to have you as my idol.

*I wanted to post this earlier but was looking for it in the oficial site. I was attracted to this post because of Madam Han's comment bout LYA and also Ji Jin Hee's comment too. I'm glad that Han sanggung mamanyim is becoming good friends with LYA as she is on the screen. I hope both of them will remain good friends. I also heard the rumour(since i'm not sure if it is true or not) that YMK and LYA are attending Yoga class together. Lovely.. and thinking bout JJH aren't able to look LYA in the eyes during the early stage of the filming is rather funny and sweet. He really likes her & I think it was the first time their were together in a drama or film. I hope after this there will be more oppertunity for both of them to act together since the chemistry they have on screen is truely sweet. *^^* *